What is success? The world would have you embrace a particular definition. Even some teachings within Christendom might fall seriously short of the mark. What is the Biblical standard of success? Today's theme is success, its definition and application. Through her personal story and testimony,...
Dive into a comparison-free summer!
Let's be honest today: do you look around and compare yourself to others? In other words, do you struggle with comparison? Do you feel shame because you compare to others and fall short? Who and what are you comparing yourself to? Are you trying to...
Defining appropriate glory for the human heart: Why are we wired to seek glory for ourselves? Stephanie suggests to you that we are wired by God Himself to seek glory because this reveals our deep longing for identity. And we will find and keep our identity when we make God’s opinion of us,...
Stephanie welcomes spiritual director, university professor and author James Bryan Smith to ponder the weight of God's love for us as His chosen creation. In his latest book, "The good and beautiful you" Jim invites us to peel back the layers of many lies we have commonly been fed in the...
How can we actively develop humility in our spiritual life, the kind of genuine, precious humility that will put a smile on our Father's face?
Genuine, relentless humility is a life-long commitment.
In episode 153, Stephanie takes us on a journey to experience what has been called the...
For Father's Day, Stephanie welcomes NFL chaplain and Pastor Jonathan Evans for a no-nonsense conversation about our investment as parents for the Kingdom of God. With his trademark candid and bold kindness, Jonathan shares his approach to parenting, as well as what he learned from his parents,...
Jesus' humility as the roadmap to glory.
Episode 151 - Stephanie humbly invites us to dive into the meaning and expression of humility in Jesus's life. It started even before His incarnation - when He left the beauty and perfection of heaven to come dwell on planet earth, with a human body, and...
[This article was originally published on the May 2022 GLOBE ISSUE of Christianity Today.]
By Stéphanie Rousselle
Cumin. Cilantro. Cinnamon. Cardamom. Chai. Chile. Colors and smells enthralled my senses as our guests walked in the door, bringing into our French home much more than...
What does it mean to delight in God?
Episode 150 - Why does it matter to delight in God? Why does God command us to delight in Him and enjoy Him forever? Doesn't that sound like the whinings of an egotistic tyrant, an insecure bully in search of affirmation, or a boastful narcissist? Stephanie...
Episode 88 – Stephanie welcomes Amanda and Dallas Jenkins on the show today. Dallas is the creator, director and producer of the global TV phenomenon, The Chosen. And his wife Amanda is the real MVP behind it all
If you are NOT familiar with The Chosen, well, might we lovingly encourage...
Practicing for heaven | our calling today
Episode 149 – Curt Thompson joins Stephanie to share in the experience of delighting in the glory of God through our eponymous series. They discuss the role of beauty in our identity—its creation and our awareness of it. They discuss the...
The greatest quest of life.
Episode 148 - We are so excited to welcome you to our new series, God's Glory, Our Delight. Now, this sentence. It means a lot, and especially to Stephanie because it has been her own personal motto and spiritual quest for years. So, really, this is an invitation to...
True freedom from digital addictions for kids and parents is possible!
Episode 147 - Are you concerned your children might be addicted to digital media? How can you know proper boundaries, and how can you weather a total digital detox without losing your mind in the process? How can you restore...
Episode 146 - We are so excited to welcome you to our new series, God's Glory, Our Delight. Taking delight in God: Nothing could be more important, and nothing could be more practical today.
We kick off the series with an episode that transitions us from Easter into this new season of deeper...
Stephanie welcomes fellow Francophile David Broussard, founder and president of Impact France, for an update on what God is up to in France today. David has an unusual story of coming to faith from agnosticism while studying in France! Yes! It is one of the many parallels between his and...
Os Guinness joins us again for this special Easter 2022 episode on the meaning of life. We discuss our role in seeking God, and His role in finding us! Os says, "Without God, we cannot know God; and we know God only when we meet Him."
This Easter, we invite you to take a break from the hustle and...
God's image carved in ebony | 10 Black women to inspire us all
Episode 143 – Jasmine Holmes joins us for an inspiring conversation about 10 seemingly unknown Black women who changed their communities when they were alive in the 18th and 19th centuries, and whose legacy can still be felt...
Episode 142 - God hinted at the great reversal He would usher in to destroy the effects of the introduction of the experiential knowledge of evil into our adama lives in Genesis 3:15. And, gloriously, He chooses to use us as vessels of His redemption efforts, just as we were the vectors that...
An invitation to step into the difficult conversations with humility and boldness
Episode 141 - Stephanie is joined by 3 friends to explore a cross-cultural conversation around racial dialogue. Around a cup of virtual coffee, Angel, Beth, Lindsay and Stephanie answer some key questions and invite...
Episode 140 - Today we get practical. Stephanie gives us 4 clear steps that we can all take, and that we can trust will make a difference. They are the four I's:
- Information
- Intercession
- Involvement
- Influence.
This is not just a cute mnemonic decvice; it is deeply rooted in Scripture and...
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