Are you hungry for more of God?
French Bible teacher & podcaster Stephanie Rousselle invites you:
"Never settle for stale spiritual leftovers. There is so much more to life in Christ."
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Current Bible teaching series | Gospel Spice Podcast
Wisdom For Daily Living
A Christocentric experience through the book of Proverbs
You will grow with the Lord as well as embrace practical wisdom for daily living through Proverbs. The Podcast episodes contain lots of wisdom, both highly practical and deeply spiritual. It is not just a list of do’s and don’ts, but looks behind-the-scenes to WHY we should prefer wisdom and practical holiness, and why our lives should aim to reflect our Lord’s. The season is steeped in the Biblical concepts of Hope, Faith, and Joy in the Lord.
Could the Christian faith prove more delightful & delicious than you’ve experienced so far?
GOSPELSPICE offers Christ-centered content, infused with in-depth Bible flavors and sprinkled with a dash of French culture.
We invite you to taste and see that the Lord is good, and to experience a spiritual flavor explosion with God through Jesus Christ.
Hungry for deeper intimacy with God?
Thirsty to (re)discover His love for you and your love for Him?
A feast awaits. Begin today.
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Delighting in the glory of God. Does this concept strike you as reserved for spiritual contemplatives? What if, instead, it proved the highly practical, deeply foundational perspective you need right now?
Why does God’s glory even matter in our day and age? How can we learn from Jesus to make His glory our true North and lifelong quest? What keeps us from fully stepping into this God-ordained purpose for our life? How do we kindle delight for God on a daily basis? And, once we have embraced God’s glory as our heart’s true delight, how can we then come alongside others?
Embrace the greatest quest of life today!
Partner with us through your time, talents and resources to go where God is leading!
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