The Paradox of Weakness: How True Faith Leads to Rest and Liberation from Burdens | Episode 234

Sep 01, 2023

Today, we want to address a topic that is all too familiar to many of us: weariness. Stephanie vulnerably shares her own experience of a recent, literal, physical nervous breakdown, caused by years of chronic pain and the wrongly placed belief that with enough faith, she could do it all. She warns against believing this lie, which can lead to shame and guilt. True faith is not about relying on our own abilities but placing our trust in God. Understanding our limits can help us truly understand what it means to have faith.

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This is the first of 6 episodes on rest. Stephanie initially taught keynotes at several distinct events and, surprisingly, the event organizers asked her to speak on the topic of rest. They didn't know they were all asking for the same theme. Stephanie crafted unique talks for each event, and wondered how this serendipitous convergence on the theme of rest might apply to you, our beloved Podcast audience. So, here are the keynotes she gave on the topic of dwelling in the presence of God, and delighting in His glory, as the essence, goal and means of rest. 

We dive deep into the concept of weariness and how it affects our lives. Did you know that the word "weary" in Greek is closely related to "hard work"? Stephanie shares her personal journey of coming to Jesus for rest. She explains how weariness is not just physical exhaustion but also the accumulation of pain and anxiety. When we allow long-term stress to take hold, it can lead to snapping over small things and narrow our ability to cope with situations or people.

Stephanie reminds us that God has infinite strength, and He does not need us to carry the burdens of life in our own strength. Jesus, though He came in weakness, is the fullness of God and has no weakness. We are encouraged to bring our weaknesses to God, as they are the one thing He does not possess.

Worry and anxiety often stem from not fully embracing the truth that Jesus is in control. Stephanie shares powerful insights about how distractions like fear, shame, guilt, approval, expectations, and comparison can burden us and rob us of finding true rest. It's a timely message for our culture, where discontent seems to be prevalent.

Aside from the wisdom shared, we want to highlight Stephanie's availability for speaking engagements. If you're looking for a dynamic speaker to address various topics related to scripture study and seasonal events, make sure to check out Stephanie's page at Her passion for the gospel shines through in her speaking engagements, inspiring others to explore the rich depths of God's Word.

Just as Jesus condemned the Pharisees for putting heavy burdens on others without carrying them themselves, we aim to offer a fresh perspective on Matthew 11, where Jesus invites us to come to Him for rest.

Scripture challenges us to take this invitation to rest seriously. We pray that the Holy Spirit will bring transformative rest into your life. Our desire is for you to experience the peace and freedom that comes from surrendering your burdens to Jesus.

If you're currently facing restlessness, discontent, or anxiety, don't fret or worry. Remember that God is in control, and He is not surprised by whatever challenges you face. Trust in Him and find rest in His love and provision.

Catch up with Stephanie's latest episodes on the Gospel Spice podcast!

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