Surrendering to the Lamb: Find healing and wholeness at the foot of the Cross | episode 294

Mar 29, 2024

Welcome to Gospel Spice, the podcast that explores the beautiful and transformative message of the Gospel. In today's episode, we dive into the powerful and profound topic of the cross. This is part one of a two-part series during which I invite you to join me to seek to plumb the depth of surrender, the sacrifice of Jesus, and the significance of our personal choice in response to His offer of salvation.

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I invite you to explore the concept of surrender and how it requires us to access the strength of God Himself. We'll journey through a prayer of weakness and wrestle with the question of finding a true friend with whom we can share our deepest emotions. The strain on creation during the judgment of Jesus' crucifixion becomes evident, as we ponder how creation could handle the death of the Author of life.

We'll dive into the separation of Jesus from the Father and the Trinity on the cross, paying the ultimate price for our sins. This sacrifice is a fact, and it is offered to every person. It's up to us to make a personal decision about this offer, regardless of what others have done. We'll emphasize the importance of taking Jesus' kingdom offer personally and approach the weighty topic of the cross and resurrection with fear and reverence.

Throughout history, there have been many authorities, experts, and opinions, but in this episode, we'll discuss the long-lasting authority of God's Word, highlighting its endurance over cultures, trends, and fads. While humans and their opinions may change, God remains steadfast and trustworthy.

We'll dig into the significance of the Old and New Testaments, uncovering the prophecies that have been fulfilled and the messianic miracles performed by Jesus. We'll explore the choice of surrender that each of us must make, understanding that just like a physical leper, we all have spiritual leprosy and can only find healing through God's direct intervention.

Get ready to journey deeper towards the heart of the love of God, as we navigate the depth of the cross and all that it represents. From the incarnation to the resurrection, we are presented us with a choice: what will we do about the truth and beauty we encounter? Join us as we unravel the unity and harmony of the Trinity sacrificed for humanity's benefit and explore the power of surrender and the incredible grace found in the blood of Christ.

So grab your Bible, your journal, and a cup of coffee, and join us for this eye-opening exploration of the cross. It's time to spice up your faith and dive deeper into the heart of the Gospel. Welcome to Gospel Spice!

Are you looking for a place to take notes, some topics to research on your own, or some questions you could ponder to go deeper during your quiet time with God or with a friend? Remember, we have workbooks available for this episode, and every other episode of our Jesus Rabbi and Lord series. For each episode, they contain a summary, listening guide, key takeaways, quotes, questions and topics to go deeper. Go to to purchase these workbooks.

Catch up with Stephanie's latest episodes on the Gospel Spice podcast!

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