Nurture a faith that trusts truth and embraces the costly grace of fragrant worship. Episode 290

Mar 15, 2024

Welcome to another episode of the Gospel Spice podcast! I'm your host and Bible teacher, Stephanie Rousselle, and today we have a riveting topic lined up for you. Last week, we delved into the days leading up to Jesus' crucifixion, examining His entry into Jerusalem as the Bridegroom. Today, we continue our journey as we explore the events of Tuesday, where Jesus encounters a group of religious leaders known as the Sadducees. These skeptics attempt to challenge Jesus with a hypothetical scenario, but little do they know that Jesus is about to dismantle their flawed assumptions with His authoritative grace.

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My favorite part is probably a little later in our episode, when we explore the significance of the anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany, connecting it to the Passover and Jesus' imminent crucifixion. This matchless, true story from Scripture emphasizes the power of pouring out our praise and worship for the Lord, just as Mary did, sustaining us through difficult times.

Join us as we uncover the depth of Jesus' teachings, the beauty of His identity, and how He ultimately utilizes challenging moments to test and refine our faith.

My prayer is that our time together today will inspire, reassure, and empower you with tested, tried, and true truths from the Gospel of Matthew. Let's jump right in!


I sure hope that you've been enjoying our recent episodes diving into the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. Today, we start by exploring Jesus' interactions with the skeptical Sadducees and the valuable lessons we can glean from them.

We begin by examining the flawed assumptions of the Sadducees regarding resurrection and eternal life. The Sadducees' story of the woman married to seven brothers is not a realistic scenario, even by their own standards. The Sadducees use this story to challenge Jesus and convey their skepticism about the concept of eternal life.

But let’s not be too quick to judge the Sadducees, because we, too, often enter situations with preconceived assumptions and may even further our own agenda by criticizing others' beliefs. This passage emphasizes the importance of looking beyond our own biases and being open to the truth that Jesus presents.

We then continue our journey through the gospel of Matthew and find ourselves in Matthew chapters 24 and 25, which discuss future events, known as eschatology, surrounding Jesus' second coming. While these prophecies point to a future generation of Jews and their role in the end times, at the same time some of these prophecies have already been fulfilled. There are still many yet to happen.

Our readings today emphasize the message of watchfulness and perseverance that Jesus imparts to believers. We will ponder insights from parables such as the 10 virgins, the parable of the talents, and the parable of the goats and the sheep, illustrating the urgency and importance of being prepared for Christ's return.

As we continue in this holy season leading up to Easter, let us remember the importance of seeking truth, remaining watchful, and allowing Jesus to test and refine us. Together, let's grow in our faith, challenging our own assumptions, and committing to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Thank you for being a part of our Gospel Spice podcast community. We appreciate your support and encourage you to share our episodes with your friends, family, and fellow believers.

With blessings and warm regards,

Stephanie and the Gospel Spice Podcast Team.

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